
This page is dedicated to compiling academic accomplishments of ILC staff and graduate 助理. The page will be updated periodically, as new presentations, publications, and other academic accomplishments are achieved.


  • B. 布朗宁J. Fetner P. 摩尔,Y.L. 奥尔蒂斯和S. “职前考试” Teachers’ Interpersonal Dispositions in the Readiness Assurance Stage of Team-Based 学习”. 教师教育的行动, 43(1), 4-19 (2021).

  • Y. 拉各斯,米. 厕所,N. Volkovetska-Ireland和P.J. 沃德,“学术能力建设” with Cultural Relevance: A Cross-Case Analysis of Transnational Partnerships." Practice of Educational Communications and Technology, 2(1), 399–403 (2019).

  • M. Loo和P.J. Ward, "Not 'One China,' not 'One Culture': Multicultural Exploration of Differences 和Similarities Between Mainland China and Taiwan. ECTESOL审查 2(1), 6-10 (2019).

  • E. Vandegrift,. Mulnix J. 耶茨和S. Raj乔杜里 “A Different Kind of Workshop: Collaborative Design in Educational Development”, To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development,卷. 第37期,2018年第2期.

  • S. Raj乔杜里 Sarah Canatsey and Phillip J. Ward,“从互动的角度来看 Lecture Demonstrations as a computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) activity”, 物理学杂志:会议系列,卷. 1287, No. 1 (2018).

  • 《十大彩票网投平台》,T. Utschig D. 苹果,年代. Beyerlein,年代. Raj乔杜里 
    J. 摩根,W. Scheller D. Litynski V. 考克斯米. El-Sayed D. 《十大彩票网投平台》,2018年IEEE前沿 在教育会议(FIE) - 论文全文. 圣荷西.

  • A. Mulnix,年代. 拉杰·乔杜里和E. Vandergrift, “How Important Is Achieving Equity 给你的本科STEM教育?” 大学科学教学学报,卷. 45, No. 4, 2016 pp. 8-10.


  • LaCross L.威廉姆斯,D。.S.乔杜里,S.R. (2021年11月12日). 跟踪转账 of 研究-Based Instructional Social Presence Practices via 教师 和Student 的声音. (海报展示). POD 2021会议、虚拟. 

  • 乔杜里,年代. Raj, Spencer, Patricia, LaCross Lisa, and 大卫年代. 威廉姆斯. 探索 Student Perceptions of Remote Instruction Using a New Learning Management System During 大流行, 学习分析峰会印第安纳大学,虚拟,2021年5月14日.

  • 丽莎·罗斯和大卫·威廉姆斯. 教师 Self-Efficacy in Implementing Social Presence 在线学习环境中的实践. 流行病教育学研究研讨会杜克大学,虚拟,2021年5月. 酬金授予

  • 大卫威廉姆斯和丽莎LaCross. Using learning objects to build faculty confidence and foster social presence in remote learning environments. 南部地区学院 & 教学发展协会虚拟,2021年3月.

  • 乔杜里,年代. 拉杰,杰斐逊,K.和Amankwatia, T.,“全机构合并” quality online course enhancements across all modalities to meet the current demands in higher education”, Concurrent session presentation at 共同体加速, 2021年,华盛顿特区.C.

  • S. Raj乔杜里 “Learning Science and the Science of Learning”, seminar at College 爱达荷州考德威尔,2021年10月.

  • Lagos, Yolany, Loo, Michelle, and Ward, Phillip J. “提高国际学生的素质 通过抵达前课程的体验. " Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)虚拟,2020年11月.

  • 威廉姆斯,维. S. 和S. Raj乔杜里 “SGIF Online Edition: Capturing the 的声音 of 在线学习者”,研讨会在 POD网络会议2019年,宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡.

  • S. Raj乔杜里 “Renewed Attention for 互动 Lecture Demonstrations: scripts and orchestration graphs”, contributed talk presented at 美国物理教师协会2019年夏季会议,犹他州普罗沃.

  • 明智的,. 和S. Raj乔杜里 “Cross Disciplinary Strategies for Engaging Broader Audiences in Science Advocacy”, contributed talk at 美国物理教师协会2019年夏季会议,犹他州普罗沃.

  • S. Raj乔杜里 “Piecing Together the Online Program Management Puzzle: Buy, Build, 或两个?"小组成员 Eduventures称峰会, Howard Lurie(组织者),2019年6月.

  • S. Raj乔杜里 “Multiple Representations for STEM disciplines: Lessons from the Learning Sciences”, seminar at Creighton University, Omaha, NE. 2019.

  • S. Raj乔杜里 “Learning Science and the Science of Learning”, seminar at Air Force 理工学院,代顿,俄亥俄州,2019.

  • Mulnix,.范德格里夫特,E.叶茨,J. 和S. Raj Chaudhury,“Leading Institutional” Initiatives From the Middle: Unrecognized Role”. 工作坊于 POD网络会议2018年,俄勒冈州波特兰.

  • 罗宾逊,J.弗里伯格,J., S. Raj乔杜里 “Transforming Teaching and Learning 通过宣传和外联”, 第二届欧洲sotl会议来自瑞典隆德. 2017

  • 马特森,年代. 和S. Raj乔杜里 “Institutional Transformation through SoTL: Initial 南阿拉巴马的台阶”, 第二届欧洲sotl会议来自瑞典隆德. 2017.

  • S. Raj乔杜里 “Professional Development in Teaching 和Soccer Refereeing: Parallels 和对比”,论文发表于 第二届欧洲sotl会议来自瑞典隆德. 2017.