
Study Abroad 学生 holding Jaguar Flag

How can I be a better me? 

学生 need to be culturally aware and actively pursue experiences that allow them to learn about themselves and others even if those experiences take them out of their 舒适区.

It is important to choose experiences that will allow you to stand out from the pack, prove your worth, and enable you to work with diverse populations at home and abroad. 

出国留学 at some point during your 学术生涯.  Learn the issues affecting the health and well-being of populations in other countries. 

  • If you are a STEM major you will want to think about studying abroad early in your 学术生涯.  If you want to go abroad later in you 学术生涯 think about an experience in community health in another country.  Freshman year is not too early to start the planning process.
  • Non-STEM majors have more flexibility but again it is never too early to start planning.

Participate in campus activities sponsored by the Office of International 学生服务.